Uncensored Nerds Network has more than 160K Followers and Listeners making it one of the comic book industry’s most favorite and trusted comic book podcast today.

Uncensored Nerds Network Originals

  • Random Nerdy Podcast

    What is ‘Random Nerdy Podcast? Well, most Pop Culture reviews and recap shows are done by professional “Journalist” or “Critics” … We are neither of them. We’re FANS and we love not only Comic Books but Comics Book based movies and Pop Culture, and occasionally guest stops by too!

  • We Got Issues: The Podcast

    Since 2017, We Got Issues has been the cornerstone of our podcast. Today, it has become one of the comic book industry’s go to podcast when it comes to Legendary and popular artist Interviews: Jim Starlin, Kevin Eastman, Geoff Johns, Francis Manapul the list goes on.

  • Untold Origins: The Podcast

    For Decades artist and writers alike have been telling countless stories that redefined pop culture and the comic book industries. But the one thing that they haven't told is their own. Untold Origins explores the origin story of your favorite creators from childhood to what defines them as creators today.

Even More Uncensored Nerds

  • The Comicom Podcast

    One of today’s best comic book podcast when it comes to weekly reviews of newly release comics books. Comicom Podcast has been the one not to miss when it comes to weekly comic book and pop culture reviews. Analysis of newly release comic book based shows and movies, and reviews of publishers soon to be release books.

  • Squidcast: with Ben Templesmith

    From the mind of Ben Templesmith, a unique podcast unlike any creators has done before. Nothing is off limits, and everything is talked about.

  • Beyond the Cape: Podcast

    Beyond the Cape is unlike other comic book based podcast: Beyond the Cape believes in the power of indie comics. Indie comics is where a lot of great creators started, and where do most indie comics creators love to do interviews and promote their work? At Uncensored Nerds Network’s Beyond the Cape Podcast.

  • Plot Hole Productions

    Plotholes Production is one of the most unique podcast you’ll see on Spotify, unlike anything today. They are experts on unboxing, reviews of different encapsulating products for your collectables anywhere from: CGC to PSA and reviewing and unboxing from comic books to collectable playing cards.

Looking to guest or collab with us?

With over 160K Followers and Listeners Uncensored Nerds Network is THE BEST place for you to promote your current and future projects whether it’s: from DC Comics or Marvel or even a Kickstarter, at Uncensored Nerds Network we love comics and pop culture … just drop us a line.

Visit Our Sponsors

  • Comic Capsule

    The Best, Newest and Innovative way to protect your raw books in short boxes and long boxes.

  • Shortboxed

    The Best, Easiest and Safest way to buy and sell your comic book collection.

  • Gator Guard Comics

    The Best way to protect and display your raw comics, the best alternative to CGC, PSA, CBCS.

  • StreamYard

    Whether recording or live streaming, StreamYard is the best way to get your content out to the world.

  • BetterHelp

    Lets normalized talking, Lets normalized getting help … Betterhelp.

  • dot.cards

    A dot.device seamlessly transfers all of the information with a single tap onto someone else’s phone.